.... theres just something about tradition that i love.
something that makes me feel so blessed.
growing up i have always gotten a christmas ornament from my godmother every year. i wasnt very appreciative until i got older. for the kids first christmas, i debated on asking their godparents to do the same. i didnt want to sound tacky and yet at the same time, i wanted them to be able to experience this joy and happiness that i do now during the holiday season. i finally caved and asked them. and i am so glad that i did. already, my kids enjoy getting the ornaments. i know it wont always be that way. there will come a time when there are cooler gifts that they will recieve
.... theres just something about tradition that i love.
having the ability to share something so special with your children..
something i hope that they will hand down to their kids, MY grandkids (wow!)
i still get excited every year putting the ornaments out of their boxes, talking about each one, where they came from, which ones i like best...
and to hand THAT feeling down to my kids
i feel so blessed.
.... theres something about tradition that i love.