Wednesday, January 31, 2007

story/music hour

the last time i took jack to barnes n noble for story hour,
i was pregant with miranda and my water broke!!
right there.. in the middle of the itsy bitsy spider.
gosh, i remember it like it was yesterday.
thank god i had amy there with me to keep me calm.
at home is one thing, but your water breaking in public
is a nightmare many pregnant women have.
anyway so last week, we decided to try it again.
jack was more into it than he was last year
and it was so cool to see the change in him.
he actually stood up and walked miranda right up front
so she could see exactly what was going on.
todd and i kept looking at each other
and we looked like 2 dorks..
just beaming at how cute they were..
miranda on the other hand was not impressed, as usual.
she loves reading books at home,
at barnes n noble, she could have cared less,
although she did like the guitar and singing.
jack was so cute. poor miranda.
jack was in her face the whole time,
trying to see if she was having fun, trying to get her involved,
pointing out all the kids,trying to show and teach her the songs.
showing her how to hold onto the parachute....
it really was so sweet.
i wonder if he will always be like that?
doubt it, if miss miranda has anything to do with it!


these 2 love their nana.
although they dont yet realize just how lucky they are, to be able to spend time with their "great-grandma." and know what a wonderful woman she truly is, they act like they do.

what a gift she is to us.

Monday, January 29, 2007


a staple in our house.
strawberry milk.

it started when jack went from bottle to cup.
he would NOT drink milk from the cup, at ALL.
so we would add just a tiny tiny bit
of chocolate or strawberry syrup to it,
so that he would drink some milk.

here we are 3 years later,
and without fail, its the first thing he asks for
when waking up in the morning

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Sunday, January 28, 2007

how is it ...

that i have one kid who eats ONLY
chicken, french fries, macaroni, toast,
grilled cheese, apples, raisin bread,
and a FEW other choice foods
and another kid who will eat everything?

we ordered chinese food last week
AFTER the kids had their dinner on purpose,
thinking they wouldnt eat it anyway.

todd and i hardly got to eat ours because miranda
was eating it faster than we were.
and when we would take a bite she would scream
at us because apparently it was "her turn."

i cant get over the difference in these kids.

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Saturday, January 27, 2007

love him

so last night miranda stayed at my moms
and we had a night with "just jack".
it was fun and when it was time for bed he asked
if we could cuddle in my bed for a few minutes before we went to bed.
how could i say no to that????
we get in bed,
he puts his arm around me,
and this was how the conversation went:
(and yes i immediately came out to write it down after he fell asleep).

J: mommy, you are the bestest mommy ever.

M: really? well i think you are the bestest boy ever.
M: why do you think i'm the bestest mommy?


we play alot of toys,
we take walks,
we eat "togever"
you tuck me in tight.
you read me books
you teach me "fings"

M: what kind of things do i teach you?

J: well you teach me like if i am being bad
and not being good. like when i talk fresh you
teach me how to talk better.

M: oooooo right

J: and you teach people if they dont know how to listen.
you teach them fings too. like how to talk with them hands.

M: thats right. how did you know that mommy did that?

J: well i just "knowed". that cuz you telled me i am so smart. i just knowed that all by myself.


Friday, January 26, 2007


ok, so we dont keep cookies in our house that often.
on purpose. because we all like them. too much.

so today we went to see nana
and after lunch, jack asks if he can have a cookie.
sure. i say. go ahead.

this is what he comes back with.
not kidding!

i had to break the news that he could only have 2.
i was proud of him. he said ok and put all but 2 back.
don't know what got into him, but i wasnt questioning it!

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so fortunate we are
to have grammy and nana.
they are so good to us.

the flowers arent enough
but it was something little we could do
just to show how much we appreciate them..

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007


so yesterday we went grocery shopping.
jack wanted to get brownies.
i said that i didnt want brownies
because i love them and would eat them all.

so jack says,its ok mommy.
we can get them,
and make them for daddy to bring into work.
"daddy can share wif all them peoples"


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in our house...

its ALWAYS...


monkey SEE .....

monkey DO...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

outside today

we NEEDED to get outside today.
ok so i "needed" it.
it was freeeeeezing but no one cares.

look at jacks poor nose running.
you can tell it was cold out!

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Monday, January 22, 2007

michelle kowalski

recognize these jammies?
she wore them last year
and they still fit her!!

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this picture wasn't taken on purpose
but when i saw it, i was reminded
of this picture i had taken about a year ago.
what a difference a year makes!

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i got this tu-tu for miranda awhile ago
at the craft store for $2.
she loves it and always wants to put it on.
tonight after i put her jammies on,
she went in her room, took them off herself
and was trying to put her tu-tu on.
how could i resist helping her?

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Thursday, January 18, 2007




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jack just woke up from his nap.
i was on the phone and
told him it was snowing a little bit.

this was how i found him a few minutes later.
of course i whispered to amy to hold on,
and took this picture.

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