todd and i repeatedly say to each other,
we have SUCH a good boy.
jack really is so incredibly loving and sweet.
last week as i was rocking miranda before she went to bed,
jack came into her room saying that he wanted to rock her.
of course i though tit was adorable and gave him his turn,
thinking it was a one time thing.
unfortunately for me, it wasn't a one time thing.
fortunately for jack and miranda, it is now a nightly thing.
i love that jack wants to take care of his sister, as he says
but sad because miranda no longer wants to sit and cuddle with me.
tonight after todd and i were cleaning up from dinner,
this was how we found jack and miranda.
(first picture)
i'm just rocking my randa he tells us.
is he not the cutest thing ever??
so i hurry to grab the camera of course!
poor miranda looked SO uncomfortable
and jack was straining to hold her up.
we helped them get more comfortable..
and then the rocking and singing continued.