(ok.. so its not THAT easy, its called..bribery!)
i was so mad today
that i didnt get any cute pictures of miranda
in her cute ghetto eagles shirt.
jack has a jersey and of course
miranda has NO green shirts.
so.. i went upstairs
looking for jacks old jersey from last year.
couldnt find it.
SO annoyed.
so... i pulled out a green shirt
of jacks from last year and wrote ..
"eagles" on the front and "5" on the back
in permanent marker. ghetto.. right?
who cares. shes 1 1/2.
and it really was kinda cute.
so before we were leaving, jack was having a fit. (can't remember what it was about but i'm sure it was over nothing at all) so of course what every crazy picture taking mother would do. i ignored my 3 year old and tried to get miranda to pose by herself for a picture.
apparently my 1 1/2 year old
is more mature than i am.
she completely ignored me
and immediately went over to jack
trying to hug and kiss him
and was obviosuly trying to make him feel better.
it was absolutely the sweetest thing ever.

1 comment:
UMMM, shoulnd they be wearing dolphin jerseys. not the eagles. if they are in the need for a dolphins jersey i will be more than happy to buy them both one.
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