Friday, March 30, 2007

if looks could kill...

so this is what happens in our house,
when you dont get your way.
unfortunately it happens often.

so for whoever asked me the other day,
if my kids were always so happy, smiling and in good moods...
here ya go.

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Thursday, March 29, 2007


outside fun.
we love spring.
if the weather would only stay .... nice.....

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

relaxing day

we had a nice relaxing day today.
todd and i both had off.

after jack got done school,
todd took him to the movies,
while i spent some time with miranda.

after mirandas nap,
we all went to the playground,
then to dinner and we ran to the store.
the kids had a ball at the playground,
running around, acting silly,
and enjoying this beautiful weather.
here are a few of my favorite pictures..


love her sweet expression on this one

miranda was afraid to go down the slide for some reason,
jack ran to help, as usual.

she was watching all the kids playing,
not sure what the deal is with her sticking her tongue out all the time.

.... love the intensity in his expressions

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so old

for some reason, miranda looks so old to me here.
i assumed after seeing her like this,
she wanted help on the swing.
so off i go to help her,

and she runs away, laughing,
sticking her tongue out,
little bugger!!
has to be so independant.

so. darn. cute.

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at the age of 2,
shes already watching the boys playing ball.
its all she wanted to do at the playground today.
god help us.

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thanks amy!

this might be mirandas favorite gift so far...

Monday, March 26, 2007


loving the nice weather lately.
these were random pictures taken last night.

i cant believe jacks hair was as lighter
than mirandas when he was her age.
makes me wonder how dark her hair will get..


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Sunday, March 25, 2007

more cake!

lil' miss strawberry shortcake
had ANOTHER cake today!

kristen made this one for her,
since miranda is OBSESSED with dolls.
it was so cute, we didnt want to cut it!

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"these are the moments,
i know heaven must exist,

these are the moments,
when all i need is this,

i've got all i've waited for,
and i could not ask for more."

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these kids are extremely lucky.
they have such an awesome dad.

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high maintenance

we were getting ready to go out last week.
i swear, i did not give her any of these things.

i put her sweatshirt on,
and told her i had to go get dressed,
and then we were ready to go.

i came out of the room,
and THIS was where she was.
standing at the door, ready to go.
cell phone in hand and sunglasses on,
and with jacks "moo-moo".

i'm starting to get scared ,
i hope this is not an indication to my future!

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Saturday, March 24, 2007

just remembered..

why we dont go out dancing in public.
god help me.

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Friday, March 23, 2007

giggleberry fair

what a long day we had today.
todd and i both took off for mirandas bday.
the kids slept in a bit today,
much later than they ever do.
so that threw us off.
we decided not to let it bother us,
and to just go with the flow..
which was incredibly hard for me.
so we went to giggleberry fair,
and had a great time.
it was our first time there,
and the kids absolutely loved it!
(and so did todd and i!)


on the carousel

playing games in the arcade with daddy

fishing for..... ducks!

Dr. miranda to the rescue..

she loves playing dress up...

fishing for.... fishies this time!

after coming out of the maze. SO much fun that was!

in the moon bounce

our birthday girl