and told him he was absolutely NOT to get out of bed,
and NOT to call us unless he was sick or bleeding,
we settle down to watch our shows that we recorded.
30 minutes later i hear...
of course i answer back in my stern voice,
what jack??? you are supposed to be sleeping!
but mommy... i jus' neeeeed a hug.
i really really really feel like i need one.
ok, i'm admitting it.
the kid knows how to play me.
he does it well.
like i said, i admit it. i'm well aware.
so really.. i guess i do have the upper hand,
he really isnt playing me after all.
so todd and i look at each other.
dont do it he says. hold back.
smiling, i go to get up.
DONT do it!
DONT give in.
he's saying over and over..
sigh.. i have to, i said.
because pretty soon he wont want my hugs.
and i'll be sitting here, heartbroken,
because he would rather his friends, than me.
so off i go.. into jacks room.
mommy, i was sad i have to go to bed,
so i just need a hug, thats all.
leaning down onto his bed,
i said. i sure do love your hugs.
i know, he says. i give the bestest ones.
and randa does too, when she feels like giving them.!
(he is SO right about that one)
so i said.. you know what makes me sad sometimes?
i feel sad because someday you won't WANT me to hug you.
he actually had the decency to look sad about this.
(thanks buddy!)
i will always want to give you hugs mommy.
even when i am old. like 7, 8, 10 or "far-teen"!
you will??
even when you are far-teen?
i mean.... 14 ????
yep. (totally serious face) i will mommy.
give me your pinkie and we can make a pinkie promise.
i dont know who taught him about pinkie promises..
but whoever it was.. you made my night. (so thanks!)
when he's far-teen, you have to let him read this. especially when he does not want to be hugged!
he is too too cute!!!! i <3 him!
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