Tuesday, April 10, 2007

meet fred sanford..

the absolute WORST show that was ever on TV
and MY son has to act like this guy???

jack is a collector. i hope he grows out of it. my dream for this kid isnt to be at the flea market everyday when he grows up.. not that there is anything wrong with that, of course! :) everyday he picks a new "favorite thing". and i do mean "thing." one day last week it was paper clips. another day it was an eraser. one can never tell what this kid is going to be obsessed with. i got him stuff one night to make a sundae and he loved the jar the sprinkles were in, so he begged to sleep with the sprinkles. he carried them around all night long. what the heck??? he had the nerve to get mad at me when i wouldnt let him sleep with thumbtacks that he found. thumbtacks?? who sleeps with thumbtacks?? i promise i wont let them stab me, he says...
so now we know not to spend money on big expensive toys.
who needs to do that when there are dollar stores around?

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