for what its doing to nana...
and to our family.
seeing nana like this,
its killing us all.
i know it could be worse,
and in a way we are lucky.
its relative.
for us, this is "worse."
nana hasnt been over in almost 2 months.
SO not like her.
shes usually here at least one night a week.
if todds working, they are here more often.
hanging out, having dinner, keeping me company.
tonight we had a girls night.
nana, mom, me, and miranda.
4 generations.
love it.
we are so darn lucky.
and the best thing is, we realize it.
and look just how excited miranda was
when she saw that nana was here.
i didnt think she really noticed after all this time.
but, she sure did.
miranda is definitely nanas girl,
taking my place, that for sure!
Thanks for the memories. You truly have a great gift. It so great to be able to just click on a button and see all the happy times with nana my friend and mom. I will be able to enjoy these for the rest of my life thanks to my great niece, Michelle. Again, thanks for the again thanks for all the memories.
Aunt Sis
I love that - 4 generations, that is so sweet that you can even experience this!
i love the pic of your mom and miranda. they look soooo happy!!! what sweet pictures!
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