Monday, March 12, 2007


i was cleaning out the freezer today
and jack saw the ice cream.

he asked if he could have some..
actually, it was a carefully thought process..

he said:

mommy, since you are home today,
and its a very special day today,
and i cleaned up all my toys,
and ate every all of my lunch
could i pretty please have some ice cream?

like i could say no to that??

the boy is smart, i tell ya.

so i said sure. why not?
but just a little bit,
and its been sitting out,
so its kinda soft.

i LOVE soft!!!

i said,
you do? since when do you LOVE soft?
(whatever that means..)

just like nana.
nana is SO SO soft and i love her!
so see? i LOOOOVE soft!


Anonymous said...

i love soft too jack! :)

Anonymous said...

that's just how i like my ice cream too! and my nana's!

Anonymous said...

I think that is the sweetest think I have ever heard... the one thing I remember about my grandmom is that she was very soft also and I loved that!

Anonymous said...

sorry, I meant sweetest THING I've ever heard!

Anonymous said...

that is sooo sweet, brings a tear to my eye!! Jack is sooo smart!