Thursday, November 30, 2006

i can remember when this picture was taken.
someone had said.. how old are you jack?
and i remember cringing as he said "3"!
i literally felt sick in my stomach.
did i just swallow a huge lump of something?
because all of the sudden,
there is a huge lump in my throat.


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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

new hope, pa

my friend amy and i took the kids to new hope today
for a bit and of course we took a "few" pictures

here are 2 of my favorites of jack and miranda ..
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ya think?

ya think this kid needs a sister or what?

this was all his idea. he wanted to sit and hug miranda and get his picture taken. it was adorable. and notice the look miranda is giving jack. she can be evil. she is enjoying the fact that shes getting hugs from someone else and making jack jealous!

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funny faces

a few silly ones...

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lollipops are messy... BUT...
anything for a few extra poses!

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the last bunch..

still practicing...

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my life, my loves..

this is how they are.
ok. so this is how HE is.

so sweet,
so cute,
so loving.
talking in a soft baby voice
calm and soothing,
making sure she is ok.

miranda doesn't always enjoy it.
but i do.
what a feeling.
she has no idea how lucky she is.
i sure do.
and i know how lucky i am as well.

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Sunday, November 26, 2006


all of the sudden jack seems so much older to me.
makes me so very sad.
today when he was riding his bike,
i was snapping a few pictures
(of course)
and i could really see it,
when i looked at the pictures later on.

and so i sat,
thinking about the last 3 years
and how much my life has changed.

i always knew i wanted children someday.
but the way that i love them..
the way i live and breathe for these kids.

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im addicted to hats this year.
i dont know why..
then again, look at her.
how could i NOT be??

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Thursday, November 23, 2006

!!!! happy thanksgiving !!!!

hope you all had a relaxing,
restful day with your loved ones!

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good morning..

thanksgiving morning..
up at 530.
cooking turkey?
getting ready for all our family to come over?
not at all.
"i just felt like waking you up"
jack says to me.
geeeee thanks!
o well.

we are having a productive morning so far.

2 loads of wash done and put away,
made indian headbands,
(as per jacks request!)
made turkey oreo cookies,
played blocks and cars,
made a tent,
did breakfast dishes,
gave baths,
dana came over to cut jacks hair,
then NAPS before going to nanas.

so its a relaxing kind of day...
and im loving it!

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gobble gobble!

we saw these in a magazine awhile ago
and jack really wanted to make them.
they were such a pain because the oreos kept breaking.
jack was getting so frustrated.
towards the end he lost interest
and started looking for construction paper,
to make an indian headress... sigh..

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i swear, this girl is going to be on a diet ..
and soon.
she eats everything in sight.
we were TRYING to get her to help us
make the oreo turkeys but it wasnt happening!

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