Tuesday, July 31, 2007

my pool girl

shes got the life, huh??
whats better than popcorn, a handful of cheetos
and skim, strawberry frappachino?
apparently to miranda... nothing!

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rocker girl

after taking jack for a haircut,
THIS was what i came home to!
todd was outside watering flowers with miss tina turner.

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its 6:45

i hear..
mommy.. can we have those cutter shape fings with pancakes.
these, he says, showing me.

apparently, he woke up..
and he went out in the kitchen,
stood on a kitchen chair to reach the cabinet,
and got out the cookie cutter "fings"..

even though it was 645..
and i wanted to roll over and go back to sleep,
how could i say no?????

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Monday, July 30, 2007


cupcakes are a special treat around here.
can you see why??
these kids would eat a ton if they could!!!

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Saturday, July 28, 2007

3 muskateers

on this particular day..
the 3 of them were inseperable.
gives me a warm feeling..

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my outdoor boy.
his life is centered around going outside to play,
and having friends to play with outside.
he doesnt have many friends in our neighborhood.
and unless we schedule a "playdate"...
thats the extent of his being able to have friends to play with.

this is why,
on these days when we are at the pool,
and i am ready to leave at 3 or 4..
i am a pushover,
and i get suckered into staying till 8:30.
look at how happy he is
how can i say no?

love this face..

mommys messy lipstick and all.
i just love it.

all night i kept staring at her..
my god, she is so darn cute.
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Friday, July 27, 2007

dirt.......and the pool

this happens just about everytime we go to the pool.
unlike some other parents, we dont mind.
just hanging out, having fun with friends.
isnt that what childhood is all about?

(and dont ask why MY kids have dirt on their mouths!)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

blue band

conversation between jack and todd.. (although todd could NOT get a word in edgewise)

daddy.... (without stopping to take a breath) .. you are NEVER going to believe this. i passed!!! i got a band. a blue band. that means i swam the whole pool and i got a band and i put it around my ankle and all them people here know if i have that blue band then i can go off the divin board so can you come here to karas pool tonight to see me? the divin board opens soon and can you come see me jump because i got a blue band and i swam far and i passed and ...............

ok.. so after that i had to grab the phone because we didnt understand a word he was saying.
his voice quickly turned into a stumbling, stuttering mess of excitement.

i can NOT believe my 4 year old goes off the diving board.
neither could alot of people at the pool.
he had to swim half of the pool by himself to be able to do this.
jack asked todd and i this morning if he could take the test with the lifeguard for the dive.
we said "sure, you can try".... thinking for sure he wouldnt be able to.
he was such a champ. i thought for sure halfway through he would be ready to give up. i was wrong. he stuck it out and swam so hard. the louder i cheered, the more i yelled for him, the harder he swam. i thought for sure i was going to start crying .. i was so happy for him.
when he touched the ladder, he immediately jumped out of the pool, threw his hand in the air and said wooo-hoooo i did it mommy!! i passed!!! i passed the test!!! he started jumping up and down ... and then i realized we were both still cheering kinda loudly, for a public pool.... and so, we went to tell the others.

another photoshoot tonight..

such cute kids with great personalities.
identical to my kids..
maybe thats why we got along so well ;)

i'm lovin these photos ..
hope their mom does too!

i'm NOT lovin the watermarks on them,
but i need to protect my clients,
and my photos as well so.......