Sunday, September 30, 2007

this face..

is gonna get in lots of trouble,
i just know it.

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Saturday, September 29, 2007

random shots...

from our AWESOME night last night at the phillies game!
so so so much fun!

jack thought he was "so cool" ..
cheering and waving his towel around!


just a few randoms ...
of "us"

sensitive ears..

the kid has such sensitive ears
we brought cottom for the game
and as soon as we got there he needed it.

we decided to take a break halfway through
since it was getting really loud..

jack wanted to sign up to be a jr. member of the phillies..
they gave him a backpack and a ton of goodies for $10.
it was so much fun to see the joy on his face.

after getting all his "goodies", he said to me that he didnt think it was fair that he got something and miranda didnt. so could we go to see if there was anything she would like at the game? (how could i say no to that???) so he went and found a pink bracelet that he just "knewed she would love" .... so sweet.


is all he ate at the game.
its not like it happens everyday ..right?
my theory is, "pick your battles".


we had so much fun at the game last night

we went early for batting practice.
and screamed,
..... dying for a ball.
coming from the perspective of a 4 year old...
he couldnt understand why they wouldnt hit it to him,
it was kinda sad.

still waiting ..

and finally!
some guy caught a ball and gave it to jack
he was beyond thrilled.

then he felt like he needed to practice his pitching
"i gotta practice in case they NEED me."
"we ARE at the phillies game mommy!"


more coloring and painting..

it was heaven!

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Friday, September 28, 2007


she found this frog.
(jacks frog)
and its her new favorite thing.
she takes it everywhere.

the girl is weird

its the routine now.
we have to tuck it into her covers for nap and bedtime,
she NEEDS the frogs head peeking out
(her exact words)
and then she tells us .. every.single.time..
froggys my beh-fen (best friend)

see how shes crying in these pictures?
because i was said no when she asked me to kiss the frog.
finally i gave in.
yes. im a softie.

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phillies tied for first place!

and we are going to the game tonight
i dont know who is more excited... us, or jack!
hes been practicing his "cheering" all morning.
he has his ball and glove ready,
we are going early for batting practice.

heres a few pictures from the game we went to earlier this summer.
more pictures to come, tomorrow of course!

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