Monday, October 30, 2006

fall fun.

we raked 9 bags of leaves tonight.
MY idea. after our NYC experience today.
after we started i thought..
why would i suggest raking leaves tonight??

then i looked over and watched the kids.

it was worth it.
these two make everything worth it.

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tonight ...
was mirandas first time playing in leaves.
she had a ball!
we had to coax the kids inside..
so much fun!

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we took the kids to NYC today.
a photographer that i have always admired had a seminar in NYC for 3 days. i couldnt afford to go to the seminar, so when she asked for models for an hour or 2, you better believe i was signing my kids up! it was just so other photographers could practice, but it was still fun. it was really hot in the studio. i wish i had gotten jacks haircut before we went and did mirandas hair AFTER we got there, but it was ok. i can't wait to see the pictures when the photographers e mail them to me. miranda wouldn't stay still but i still can't wait to see some of the shots! i didn't think to take my camera out until about an hour after we were there but i still got a few good, and "different" shots, i think.

i converted these to black and white, just to see what they looked like...
i LOVE the picture of miranda in the window.

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and some of jack.
this was his third or fourth outfit.
he is still talking about one of the photographers,
her name is darby. (such a great name, huh?)
he LOVED her!

why didn't i get my camera out sooner?
i guess i felt like i shouldnt since everyone else had theirs!

jacks eyes are starting to turn a gray/green.
not sure i like that.
too bad, huh?

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just some of miranda from today.
by the time i got my camera out she was a sweaty mess.
i wish i waited to do her hair till we got there!

i love love love love love love this one!!

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this kid was in his element.
what a funny kid.
he was loving all the attention.

he said in front of everyone when it was time to leave..
"why do we have to leave mommy, i am having fun!"

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thanks bill!
jack is OBSESSED
with his "tar."
he goes back and forth
from calling it his "tar" to his "by-o-linn."
go ahead.
"try" and tell me he's not the cutest thing
you have ever seen!

Saturday, October 28, 2006




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girls girls girls...

so i said to my girlfriend last week,
(who has a BOY,)
i'm really dying to find
some cool, funky tights for miranda.

so she says..
the childrens place
is literally right next door from my work

ummm ok. sure.
i told her not to go crazy
because i know how that store is,
and i hate to spend alot on kids clothes
that are just going to last a little while.

so she comes back with 4 pairs of tights
and 4 shirts for $40.
not bad!!

she had so much fun shopping for a girl apparently!
and she did well!!

she wore these tights to church tonight,
got lots of compliments,
and loved the attention,
typical girl!

don't mind the froot loops

in her hand and mouth!

it was the only way i could get her to....


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my lil' fisherman

jack is being a fisherman for halloween,
this picture was taken before his school parade on friday.
he is a little worried
about how he is going to hold his fishing pole AND tacklebox
on "real halloween"... as he calls it.
i'm sure it will all work out just fine.

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

not kidding...

i turned on my camera recently to take pictures
and this is what i found.

ok, so its kinda dorky.
but still sweet.

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Monday, October 23, 2006



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hide and seek..

even in philadelphia we play hide and seek..
its our favorite game!

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