Thursday, September 28, 2006

this time last year..


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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

~~~~ FRIENDS ~~~~

the kids had their friends over tonight -
and all of the kids were so good,
it was so nice!
we played in the back yard,
had dinner,
played some more,
made a mess in the house,
played some more,
cleaned everything up without being told twice
got baths,
went for ice cream,
and all in all..
they just had a great time.

we can't wait to have kyle and kieran over again!!!

true love..

miranda and kieran were like this all night.
they were constantly holding hands and kissing.
looking out for each other wherever they went.
it got me thinking.. where do they get this from?
it was adorable they way they were with each other.
we didn't even tell them to hold hands
or to give each other kisses and hugs.
it was just too too cute. even todd thought it was adorable!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

buds... pals... friends... (most days!)

hi kyle! i can't wait to play with you tomorrow night!!
we are going to have so much fun cool awesome time.
(of course, that would be from jack!!!)

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one of my favorites..

i was looking back of pictures from this time last year.
this is definitely a favorite!

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cheeeeeese curls

i tried everything i could think of to get her to stay quiet yesterday
when she woke from her nap. jack was still taking his much needed nap
and todd was also still sleeping (night work).
nothing was working.... so finally...we resorted to the cheese curls.
she was in heaven. the problem was.. when i took them away from her,
the loud screaming began again. so i had to just let her go.
again, nothing was working and i was not about to give her more cheese curls.
which i'm sure was what she wanted. smart girl..

Monday, September 25, 2006

monkey see...monkey do..

she copies EVERYTHING jack does.


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he is a boy..

what can i say?

all boy.
that sums it up ....

and yes the tree is high and yes i was right there..
till i walked away to take this picture, of course!

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he is ONLY 3!!
are "they" really supposed to be doing this at 3??
i'm SOOOO not ready for this!

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we are working on getting his shorts/pants on straight
and matching colors. but he is so proud of himself.

Friday, September 22, 2006

bathtime fun for the evans kids

these kids suuuure do love bathtime.

crazy, silly, bearded boy

so sweet

i'm kinda seeing how much they look alike here

look at those baby blues
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big girl

kids aren't feeling so hot today.
got mommy's cold/bronchitis/whatever i had this week...
so miranda was just hanging out.. chillin on the couch,
watched a whole movie like this. i can't stand her growing up.

so sweet

todd and i repeatedly say to each other,
we have SUCH a good boy.
jack really is so incredibly loving and sweet.

last week as i was rocking miranda before she went to bed,
jack came into her room saying that he wanted to rock her.
of course i though tit was adorable and gave him his turn,
thinking it was a one time thing.

unfortunately for me, it wasn't a one time thing.
fortunately for jack and miranda, it is now a nightly thing.
i love that jack wants to take care of his sister, as he says
but sad because miranda no longer wants to sit and cuddle with me.

tonight after todd and i were cleaning up from dinner,
this was how we found jack and miranda.
(first picture)

i'm just rocking my randa he tells us.
is he not the cutest thing ever??
so i hurry to grab the camera of course!

poor miranda looked SO uncomfortable
and jack was straining to hold her up.

we helped them get more comfortable..
and then the rocking and singing continued.

blue eyed girl

my mom got miranda a shirt that says..
"everyone loves a blue eyed girl" ...
i cant wait to put it on her

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we found out miranda likes ketchup.
can you tell??

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