Thursday, June 28, 2007

swimming lessons

i am so proud of him.
jack LOVES swimming lessons.
he looks forward to going everyday,
and everyday he gets more and more brave.

they arent permitted to use swimmies or floats,
which i like. kinda would defeat the purpose.
today they went to the deep end and back for races,
and they did have life jackets on for that.
he did so good.
i love that he loves it so much!

"bobbing" to get his whole body under

underwater. holding his breathe for 5 seconds

superman kicks.

teaching him swim: putting his arms in "circles" while kicking

swam the length of the pool himself on the kickboard

"noodle races"

loving the pool!

hes asking miranda if she liked to watch him jump.
she refused to even look at him in the face!!
she was so mad that he was in the pool, and she wasnt!


Anonymous said...

i LOVE these pics of him in the pool! what a big boy, i can't believe it! and miranda... well i would be pissed too if i was her sitting in the 90 degree heat while my brother was swimming! poor little thing!

Anonymous said...

Well that answers my question about how swimming lessons were going... can we switch kids for just one swim lesson, please?!?!

~Kara~ said...

Love these pics, he looks like he is having so much fun!