Thursday, May 10, 2007

all you need is love...

love is all u need..

i am so lucky with the personalities these two have.
miranda is MUCH more chatty
and oh so funny at this age.
she INSISTS on saying hello to EVERYONE
everytime we go out.
last night we went shopping..
and in the one store,
i stopped counting the people
that she was having converstaions with after 26
wonder where she gets that from?
jack is goofy, silly and has a great imagination.
great personality just not as talkative as the lil miss!

i love the ages that they are at right now.
i find myself trying to savor these moments as much as i can.


Michelle said...

Those are two beautiful children! One of the greatest pleasures of having more than one child is seeing the differences between them. Leave it to the little girl to be the chatty one, eh?

Aunt Sis said...

They are too beautiful for words. Cherish every moment with them. I know you already do You are truly blessed. And you have me.

Aunt Sis

Lori said...

OMG...They are too precious for words! Seriously, I was reading everything you wrote to Jermaine as I read them and I'm like, "Look, look, look at how cute they are." Ya know what I see? I just see how much you love your children and how full your life is because of your beautiful family. I don't know how you find the time or know how to do any of this blog stuff, but you are an amazing mom! And Jack and Miranda seem like awesome and hilarious kids! Thanks for sharing!