Thursday, May 17, 2007


you can tell by the way he is talking to her in this first picture,
he is her protector.
without a doubt
miranda, lately is obsessed with bugs.
finding them and getting jack to "get" them.
every little black speck of ANYTHING, she thinks is a bug.

this was the conversation i heard the other day in jacks room..

Miranda - a bug! a bug! a bug! a bug! JAAAACKKKKK

Jack- (in his high pitched, talking to miranda voice)
oooo you found a bug??
ok. i'll smash the bug for you randa. dont worry!
i'll take care of it.

Miranda - ok thank you jack

(later... after he smashed the bug)

Jack - are you my best friend randa?

Miranda- yea!!! (all excited, like he asked her to go to a party)

Jack- hugging randa, i'm so glad randa. we will be best friends for 10 weeks.
or maybe 39 days or whatever is a long time.

Miranda- (again). yea!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

i love that they love each other so much! it's so cute!

Anonymous said...

That just made my day!! They are so cute together, what a great big brother Jack is!

Anonymous said...