Friday, January 12, 2007

so darn cute....

"its a good thing you are so darn cute"
is something i say to miranda on a DAILY basis!
she is SUCH a handful.
jack was nothing like this.
at all!

the other night i got them bathed,
and wanted to put their jammies on them,
since they were sleeping at grammy and nanas.

so i get the queen out first,
put her onsie and sleeper on and somewhat dry her hair.
i go to get jacks jammies ....
and i find her in the tub.. again.
after she was dressed and ready to go.

so we go through the whole process again.
hair drying, dressed....
and i get jack out and ready in a few minutes.
i come out in the kitchen and shes sitting
on top of the table talking on my cell phone.

like i said.. its a GOOD thing she so darn cute!
otherwise i dont know how i would deal!!

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Anonymous said...

they are cute! that miranda, she's keeping you on your toes! haha

Anonymous said...

I cheer her on I love the little devlish streak in her, it is so darn cute! and i love that she is an independent woman who does what she wants! Tell her I said - you go girl!

Michelle said...

With those big blue eyes, I don't know how you could ever get upset with that little princess! But I know, all too well, where you are coming from.